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Signal, Quadding & Power Cable for Railways

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Railways Signal Cable

PVC Insulated Armoured Unscreened Underground Railway Signalling Cable

Specification No. : IRS : S 63/2007 With Latest Amendment.

  1. SCOPE:
    1. This specification covers the requirements and tests for armoured and unarmoured single core, twin core, three core and multi-core copper conductors pvc insulated and sheathed cables for railway signaling. This specification covers the complete requirement of underground (u/g), unscreened (u/s), railway signalling cable.
    2. The cable covered in this specification shall be suitable for use on AC systems (earthed or unearthed) for rated voltages upto & including 1100 volts. These cables may be used on DC systems for rated voltages upto and including 1500 volts to earth.
    3. The cables covered in this specification or suitable for use where the combination of ambient temperature and temperature rise due to load results in a conductor tempretaure not exceeding 70°C.
    1. The conductor shall be composite of plain, annealed high conductivity copper wire (s) complying with IS:8130 except for annealing test requirements. This diamensions, nominal weights and resistance of conductor shall be in accordance with the values given in Table-1. Any other sizes may be accepted as agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer. In such cases, the wire diameter, the insulation thickness and the tolerances thereon shall be specified by the purchaser.
    1. The insulation shall be of PVC compound conforming to the requirements of Type ‘A’ compound of IS:5831-84. (General purpose insulation for maximum rated conductor temperature 70°C operation) except for insulation resistance, tensile strength and percentage elongation. Re-cycled or re-claimed material shall not be used.
    2. The insulation shall be applied by extrusion in one continues process and shall be homogeneous and free from any joints or repairs it shall fit closely on the conductor but shall not adhere to it so that it is possible to remove it easily, without damage to the conductor.
    3. The cores of cables shall be identified by different colouring of PVC insulation. The colours shall conform reasonably with the standard colours shown in IS:9938. The following colour scheme shall be adspted:-
      • 1 Core – Red, black, yellow, blue or grey.
      • 2 Core – Red and black.
      • 3 Core – Red, yellow and blue.
      • 4 Core – Red, yellow, blue and black.
      • 5 Core – Red, yellow, blue, black and grey.
      • 6 Core – Two adjacent cores ( counting and direction core) in each and above layer, blue and yellow, remaining cores grey.Note : For a single core in the centre of a multi core cable, red or black colour shall be used. For 2, 3, 4, or 5 centre cores, the colours shall correspond to these specified for 2, 3, 4, or 5 core cable respectively.
    4. Alternatively the cores of cables with six core and above may be identified by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …………Printed indelibly at intervals of not more than 50 mm.In that case, the insulation of cores shall be of grey colour and printing of number shall be black. The core shall be numbered sequentially in clock wise direction, starting with number 1 for the inner layer. Thenumbers shall be printed in the Hindu-Arbic numerals on the outer surface of the cores. The numbers shall be legible. The consecutive number shall be inverted in relation to each other .When the number is a single numeral, a dash shall be placed underneath it. If the number consist of two numerals, these shall be disposed one below the other and a dash shall be placed below the numerals.
    1. The cores of twin three and multi-core cables shall be laid-up together with suitable lay. The outermost layer shall have right hand lay and the successive layers shall be laid with opposite lay. Way of counting from inner to outer layer continuously shall be unidirectional. Where necessary, the interstices shall be filled with non-hygroscopic material.
    2. A Malinex tape / Polyester tape of thickness 0.025mm shall be applied helically with left hand lay with minimum overlap of 30% over the laid up cores where DST armouring is provided.
  6. INNER SHEATH (Common Covering)
    1. The laid up cores shall be provided with an inner sheath applied by extrusion. It shall be ensured that it is a circular as possible.
    2. The Inner sheath shall be so applied that it fits closely on the laid up core and it shall be possible to remove it without damage to the insulation.
    3. PVC used shall meet the requirements of type ST-1 (General purpose sheath for use at maximum rated conductor temp. 70°C) compound of IS:5831-84. Re-cycled or Re-claimed material shall not be used. The Colour of the PVC for Inner Sheath shall be Grey.
    1. Armouring shall be applied over the insulation in case of single core cables and over the inner sheath in case of twin, three and multi-core cables.
    2. Armouring shall consist of the following:
      • Galvanised round steel wire to IS:3975 with exception to tensile strength and percentage elongation, or
      • Galvanised double steel tape to IS:3975 with exception to tensile strength and percentage elongation or
      • Any other material (as agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer)
    3. Where the calculated diameter below armouring does not exceed 13mm, the armour shall consist of galvanized round steel wires only. Wire armouring shall be applied below 12 Core of 1.5 mm² conductor nominal cross sectional areas.
      12 core and above of 1.5 mm² of any other sizes of conductor where the calculated diameter below armouring is greater than 13mm, the armouring shall consist of Double Steel Tape.
    1. The outer sheath shall be applied by extrusion in one continuous process and shall be homogeneous and free from joints and repairs.PVC compound conforming to the requirements of Type ST-1 compound to IS:5831-84. except for tensile strength, percentage elongation and shrinkage shall be used for outer sheath. The colour of the outer sheath shall be black. Re-cycled or Re-claimed material shall not be used.
    1. The following information shall be legibly and indelibly indicated throughout the length of the cable by embossing them on the outer sheath at every one meter having letter height not less than 3 mm in case of cables upto 6 Core and 5 mm in case of cables more than 6 Core.
      • Name or trade mark of the manufacturer
      • IRS Specification Number.
      • Month and Year of Manufacturer.
      • Drum Number.
      • Size of the cable (e.g. 12 C x 1.5 sq. mm)
      • Sequential length marking at every meter with an accuracy of ± 0.2%.
    2. Finished cable is being supplied in non returnable wooden drum

Railways Quad Cable

Underground Railway Jelly Filled Quad Cables for Signalling & Telecom Installations.

Specification No. : IRS : S 63/2007 With Latest Amendment.

  1. SCOPE:
    1. This specification covers the requirements and tests for armoured and unarmoured single core, twin core, three core and multi-core copper conductors pvc insulated and sheathed cables for railway signaling. This specification covers the complete requirement of underground (u/g), unscreened (u/s), railway signalling cable.
    2. The cable covered in this specification shall be suitable for use on AC systems (earthed or unearthed) for rated voltages upto & including 1100 volts. These cables may be used on DC systems for rated voltages upto and including 1500 volts to earth.
    3. The cables covered in this specification or suitable for use where the combination of ambient temperature and temperature rise due to load results in a conductor tempretaure not exceeding 70°C.
    1. Diameter : 0.90mm ± 0.02 mm.
    2. Maximum Resistance : 28 Ohm/Km At 20°C.
    3. Maximum, Loop Resistance : 56 Ohm/Km At 20°C.
    1. Each conductor shall be insulated with solid polythene of MDPE or HDPE.
      Recycled or reclaimed material shall not be used.
    2. Minimum diameter of Insulated Conductor : 1.55 mm
    3. Nominal Insulation Thickness : 0.325 mm
    4. The colour scheme of polyethylene insulated quads shall be as per Table given below:
      Colour of the conductor insulation
      Quad No A-Wire B-Wire C-Wire D-Wire
      1. White Orange Red Grey
      2. White Blue Red Grey
      3. White Brown Red Grey
      4. White Green Red Grey
      5. White Yellow Red Grey
      6. White Black Red Grey
      Note : Wire A and wire B shall form a pair. Similarly wire C and wire D shall form a pair.
    1. Four conductors insulated as above shall be standard to form a star quad each, two conductors diagnonally opposite forming one pair and the remaining two diagnonally opposite conductors forming the second pairs of the quad. Polyethylene centre strings of required diameter may be used. The quad shall be held together firmly by means of an open helical whipping of cotton / nylon yarn or coloued tape of suitable material of appropriate thickness.
    2. The colour scheme of the quad whipping shall be in accordance with the Table given below
      Quad Number Colour Scheme
      1. Orange
      2. Blue
      3. Brown
      4. Green
      5. Yellow
      6. Black
    1. The quads shall be assembled to form a symmetrical core with a right lay. Polythene strings of required diameter may be used as fillers, if necessary, for proper circular core formation.
    2. Each quad shall retain its position in the cable with reference to the other quads. The manufacturing process shall be such that there is no physical displacement of the quads, either during manufacture of the cable or during its subsequent handling.
    1. The cable core shall be fully filled with a suitable water resistance compound like jelly which is fully compatible with the polythene insulation of the conductors.
    1. Polythene coated aluminum tape shall be applied longitudinally on the quad with a minimum overlap of 6mm. The thickness of aluminium tape shall be 0.20 mm ± 10% & that of polythene / copolymer coating on each side 0.05mm nominal. The thickness of composite tape shall be 0.3mm ±15%.
    1. Cable shall be sheathed with the polythene grade 03C or H03C as per BS:6234. and containing a suitable anti-oxidant system. The material shall be virgin as per ASTM-D-883.
    2. The sheath shall be reasonably circular, free from pinholes, joints and other defects. The nominal thickness of sheath shall be 2mm (excluding Poly-Al. laminate). The minimum thickness shall not be less than 75% of the specified nominal thickness. The average of six measurements, equally place around the circumference, shall not be less than 85% of the specified nominal value.
    1. The cores with inner sheath shall be surrounded by a reasonably close fitted screen of aluminum in the form of wires/strips
    1. The aluminum screen shall be wrapped with a single layer of woven tape impregnated with Barium chromate with minimum 20 % overlap
    1. Further protection for the screening shall be provided by extruded PVC sheath over screening. Its shall be circular.
    2. The PVC used for intermediate sheath shall meet the requirement of ST-1 (General purpose sheath for use at maximum rated conductor temperature 70 Deg. C) compound of IS : 5831-84, Re-cycled or re-claimed material shall not be used.
    3. The colour of the intermediate sheath shall be Grey
    1. The galvanized steel tape armouring conforming to IS : 3975 shall be applied tightly over the intermediate sheath with two layers. The armour shall be free from rust, blooming, oxidation, cracks, splits etc
    2. The armour shall be lapped as per IS : 692-1973. The intermediate sheath shall not be visible throughout the length of the cable
    3. The direction of the lay of the armour shall be opposite to that of the outermost layer of screening
    1. The outer sheath shall be applied by extrusion in one continuous process over the armouring and shall be homogenous and free from joints and repairs.
    2. The PVC used for outer sheath shall meet the requirement of ST-1 (General purpose sheath for use at maximum rated conductor temperature 70 Deg. C) compound of IS : 5831-84, Re-cycled or re-claimed material shall not be used.
    3. The colour of the outer sheath shall be Black.
    1. The following information shall be legibly and indelibly indicated at every meter or less throughout the length of cable by embossing or engraving / indenting on outer sheath of the cable. All the marking shall be in white or yellow colour. The marking shall be clear, distinct and visible to the naked eye from a distance of about 1 meter, the size of marking shall be of minimum 3mm
    2. Name or trade mark of the manufacturer
      1. IRS-TC 30-05
      2. Month and year of manufacture.
      3. Cable Drum number.
      4. Sequential length marking at every meter with an accuracy of ± 0.2%.
    3. Finished cable is being supplied in non returnable wooden drum.

Railways Power Cable

PVC Insulated Armoured Unscreened Underground Railway Power Cable.

Specification No. :IRS : S 63/2007 & IS:1554 (Pt.-1) With Latest Amendment

  1. SCOPE:
    1. This specification covers the requirements and tests for armoured and unarmoured single core, twin core, three core and multi-core copper conductors PVC insulated and sheathed cables for railway signaling. This specification covers the complete requirement of underground (U/G), unscreened (U/S), Railway Power Cable.
    2. The cable covered in this specification shall be suitable for use on AC systems (earthed or unearthed) for rated voltages upto & including 1100 volts. These cables may be used on DC systems for rated voltages upto and including 1500 volts to earth.
    3. The cables covered in this specification or suitable for use where the combination of ambient temperature and temperature rise due to load results in a conductor tempretaure not exceeding 70°C.
    1. The conductor shall be composite of plain, annealed high conductivity copper wire (s) complying with IS:8130 except for annealing test requirements. This diamensions, nominal weights and resistance of conductor shall be in accordance with the values given in Table-1. Any other sizes may be accepted as agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer. In such cases, the wire diameter, the insulation thickness and the tolerances thereon shall be specified by the purchaser.
    2. Conductors of nominal area less than 25 sq. mm shall be circular only. Conductors of nominal area 25 sq. mm and above may be circular or shaped.
    1. The insulation shall be of PVC compound conforming to the requirements of Type ‘A’ compound of IS:5831-84. (General purpose insulation for maximum rated conductor temperature 70°C operation) except for insulation resistance, tensile strength and percentage elongation. Re-cycled or re-claimed material shall not be used.
    2. The insulation shall be applied by extrusion in one continues process and shall be homogeneous and free from any joints or repairs it shall fit closely on the conductor but shall not adhere to it so that it is possible to remove it easily, without damage to the conductor.
    3. The cores of cables shall be identified by different colouring of PVC insulation. The colours shall conform reasonably with the standard colours shown in IS:9938. The following colour scheme shall be adspted:-
      • 1 Core – Red, black, yellow, blue or grey.
      • 2 Core – Red and black.
      • 3 Core – Red, yellow and blue.
      • 4 Core – Red, yellow, blue and black.
      • 5 Core – Red, yellow, blue, black and grey.
      • 6 Core – Two adjacent cores ( counting and direction core) in each and above layer, blue and yellow, remaining cores grey.
    1. The cores of twin three and multi-core cables shall be laid-up together with suitable lay. The outermost layer shall have right hand lay and the successive layers shall be laid with opposite lay. Where necessary, the interstices shall be filed with mom hygroscopic material.
  6. INNER SHEATH (Common Covering)
    1. The laid up cores shall be provided with an inner sheath applied by extrusion. It shall be ensured that it is a circular as possible.
    2. The Inner sheath shall be so applied that it fits closely on the laid up core and it shall be possible to remove it without damage to the insulation.
    3. PVC used shall meet the requirements of type ST-1 (General purpose sheath for use at maximum rated conductor temp. 70°C) compound of IS:5831-84. Re-cycled or Re-claimed material shall not be used. The Colour of the PVC for Inner Sheath shall be either grey or black.
    1. Armouring shall be applied over the insulation in case of single core cables and over the inner sheath in case of twin, three and multi-core cables.
    2. Armouring shall consist of the following :
      1. Galvanised round steel wire to IS:3975 except tensile strength and percentage elongation, or
      2. Galvanised steel strip to IS:3975 except tensile strength and percentage elongation or
      3. Any other material (as agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer).
    3. Where the calculated diameter below armouring does not exceed 13mm, the armour shall consist of galvanized round steel wires only. Wire armouring shall be applied upto 9 Core of 1.5 mm² conductor nominal cross sectional areas.
      Above 9 Core of 1.5 mm² or any other sizes of conductor where the calculated diameter below armouring is greater than 13mm, the armouring shall consist of either galvanized round steel wire or galvanized steel strips.
    1. The outer sheath shall be applied by extrusion in one continuous process and shall be homogeneous and free from joints and repairs.
      PVC compound conforming to the requirements of Type ST-1 compound to IS:5831-84. except for tensile strength, percentage elongation and shrinkage shall be used for outer sheath. The colour of the outer sheath shall be black. Re-cycled or Re-claimed material shall not be used.
    1. The following information shall be legibly and indelibly indicated throughout the length of the cable by indenting or embossing of the cable. The identification or embossing shall only be done on the outer sheath.
      • Name or trade mark of the manufacturer
      • IRS Specification Number.
      • Month and Year of Manufacturer.
      • Drum Number.
      • Size of the cable (e.g. 2 C x 25 sq. mm)
      • Sequential length marking at every meter with an accuracy of ± 0.2%.
    2. Finished cable is being supplied in non returnable wooden drum.